Metro prepaid meter & Electric Sub-Meters for Landlords

CM  Electrical - Metro Prepaid meter offers a complete range of prepaid electricity  that are designed to provide reliable and cost-effective service With a Metro Prepaid electric sub-meter landlords can allow tenants to can track and monitor their electricity consumption, and top up their meters

Metro Pre Paid MET001 Single Phase Meter

Metro Prepaid Single Phase Meter;

·         A single phase encryption enabled prepayment meter with PayPoint integrated vending of power codes. 

·         MID Certified.

·         IEC Class 1.

·         80 Amps.

·         50 Hertz.

·         Emergency credit.

·         Silent low credit warning.

·         Tamper resistance.

·         IP54 rated.

·         What are electric sub meters?

Sub metering works where someone wants to share an existing (metered) MAIN supply of electricity or water with others. Some landlords are cutting their install costs by as much as 50% with electric sub meters. Sub meters are inexpensive and can be installed using much of the existing infrastructure and without running new supply cables to a property. If your property has been correctly wired with each section on its own circuit, then installing a sub meter is a relatively straightforward exercise.




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