Electrical metro prepaid meter– CM Electrical


Metro Prepaid Landlord Single Phase Encrypted Meters are an efficient way for Landlords to collect electricity usage payments from tenants.


Metro Prepaid provides a utility collections service for UK Landlords using electric sub meters. Tenants purchase power codes to top up their meters from any PayPoint store or on-line. Metro Prepaid collects the funds from the sale of the power codes and directs them back to the Landlord.


·         A single phase encryption enabled prepayment meter with PayPoint integrated vending of power codes. 

·         MID Certified.

·         IEC Class 1.

·         80 Amps.

·         50 Hertz.

·         Emergency credit.

·         Silent low credit warning.

·         Tamper resistance.

·         IP54 rated.

·         https://www.cmelec.co.uk/electrical-c93/pre-paid-meters-c94/single-phase-c124




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