Single Phase prepaid Meter & Electric Sub-Meters for Landlords

 Metering of electricity with secondary pre-paid-meter measures is an excellent way for property investors, landlords and letting agents to avoid the threat of having to pay electricity mileage bills, when tenants do not pay still, feedback from the field shows that reimbursed electricity measures also have other benefits. guests who have installed repaid electricity measures, in their rental units, are telling us that one of the intriguing benefits of using repaid measures is that they’re directly reducing their tenant development.

Metro prepaid meter was formed in 2015, to help Landlord HMO collect utility payments from tenants using electric sub meters.

Metro Prepaid is customer-centric – we are totally passionate about serving our customers, whether they be landlords, sub meter sellers, installers or tenants.

We aim to offer our customers electric sub meter products which are:

simple – off-the-shelf, simple to install, quick to register
efficient – get the job done with the least fuss
transparent – our fee structures are fully disclosed and easy to understand
best value – commitment to provide the lowest sub meter prices and the best value service fees
Supported by a friendly, approachable and committed team of customer centric individuals”

Metro Prepaid Single Phase Meter;

A single phase encryption enabled prepayment meter with Pay point emergency credit integrated vending of power codes.
MID Certified.
IEC Class 1.
80 Amps.
50 Hertz.
Emergency credit.
Silent low credit warning.
Tamper re during the time period under disquisition.

Tenants using Prepaid measures have also confided the convenience of the measures. Mavis Mteto rents a flat in Joubert Park and had this to say about the cadence her Landlord installed,” Since the cadence, we know how important we use. When it’s finishing, we do not go to go buy credit there at the shop. I am paying to the proprietor with cellphone banking and also transferring SMS to get the number anytime.

25-27 Bull St, W Bromwich Ringway, West Bromwich B70 6EU, United Kingdom

+44 7826 864667


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